Sunday, January 19, 2020

A new year and a new attempt at the blogging world. I have recently stumbled upon something that has made my collecting heart so so happy 😊
I’ve discovered FUGGLERS. Funny Ugly Monsters and am now obsessed. What are they you may ask??? Well...
My story actually starts about 9 years ago when my wonderful husband surprised me with a very special and unique gift. A Fuggler! It was love at first sight. Mr Blue has been with me ever since.


Fast forward to October 2019 and I happened to wander into a well known High Street toy shop and was completely stunned 😳 
Fugglers??? Boxed!!! For Sale??? On shelves??? Then and there I grabbed every different one I could find and a new collection/obsession was born!



  1. Yeah! I hope you keep up the blogging :) Will be great to read about your Fuggler Family.

  2. Thanks, I’m really going to try x
